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Veteran's Services

James Benefiel, Service Officer
Office open Monday - Thursday 8:00 to 4:00
220 N Arbor Dr.  Harrison, Arkansas  72601
870.741.3640 phone 870.741.5614 Fax

Eligibility for most Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. However, some military personnel may be eligible for  certain VA benefits while on active duty when they have  completed:

90 days of service during wartime and/or conflict periods OR
Two (2) years of military service since 1980  OR
181 days of service during peacetime

If you are seeking VA benefits for the first time after release from active duty, you must send a copy of you military discharge (DD form 214, or other discharge document) with your application for benefits. You may file your application and discharge document with any VA regional office. When leaving the military, Transition Assistance Programs can help with your transition into civilian life.

The VA pays monthly  benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members.   These monthly education benefits can help you finance your education. Education benefits may be used for:

Undergraduate or Graduate training at a College or University
Technical or Vocational training
On-the-job or Apprenticeship training
Correspondence and Flight Training

Veterans might also qualify for a  work-study allowance.

Life Insurance
If you are in the  military or recently separated from the military, you may be eligible for life insurance. Service members' Group Life Insurance (SAGELY) is open to active-duty and reservists for the uniformed services. Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VIGIL) is available to those released from active duty and to separated reservists. VIGIL is renewable 5-year term coverage. SAGELY can be converted to VIGIL or a commercial policy. You must complete conversions for "no health questions asked" within 120 of separation from either active duty or the reserves. However, you have 16 months from the date of separation to make "good  health" conversions.

Homes with a VA guaranty
A lender is protected against loss up to the amount of the guaranty if the borrower fails to repay the loan. VA loan guaranties are made to service members, veterans, reservists, and unmarried surviving spouses to buy a home, town house, manufactured home, lot or certain types of condominiums. VA also guarantees loans for building, repairing and improving homes. If you already have a mortgage, VA may be able to help you refinance your loan at a lower interest rate. Specially adapted housing grants are available for severely disabled veterans and not down payment is required for most home loans.

Disability Compensation and Pension
You may be eligible for compensation for injuries or illnesses you suffer as  a result of active duty or for any disabilities you had before service that were  made worse because of your active duty. If you qualify for compensation, you  may be entitled to an additional allowance for your family members. you may also be eligible for a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income  and are no longer able to work.

Disability compensation special programs include:
Prisoners of War
Agent Orange and other  herbicides
Veterans exposed to radiation
Gulf War related  conditions
Allowances for family members
Disability  pension
Other disability benefits
Aid and attendance
Clothing allowance
Automobile assistance

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits 
The VA's Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities by offering them services and assistance to help them prepare for, find and keep employment

Employment assistance
Transition  assistance program
Vocational-education/career counseling
Vocational rehabilitation
Small business administration
Small and disadvantaged business utilization

Health Care 
Most veterans must apply  for enrollment in order to receive health care benefits. Service-connected  veterans are eligible for treatment of their service-connected disability, even if they have not enrolled. Veterans may apply at any time; once enrolled,  veterans are eligible for a comprehensive benefits package of inpatient and  outpatient services that include: 

Primary and specialty care
Preventative medicine services
Emergency care
Mental health and substance abuse treatment
Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Nursing homes and long-term care
Home health care
Respite and hospice care
Homeless veterans program
Vet Centers

Call 1.877.222.VETS  (1.877.222.8387)

Burial benefits in a VA National Cemetery  
Include the grave site, the headstone or marker, opening and closing of the grave and maintenance of the grounds.

National Cemeteries are maintained as National Shrines
Symbolic expressions of remembrance include headstones  and markers
Presidential memorial certificates 
Burial flags
Burial of veterans and eligible family members in a VA National  Cemetery

Family and Survivor Benefits
Some  family members of disabled or deceased veterans are eligible for certain  benefits, such as:

Educational benefits
Home loan guaranty for surviving, unmarried spouse
Dependency and Indemnity  compensation (DIC)
DIC payments to surviving spouses
DIC payments to parents and children
Spina Bighead benefits
Medical Care for family and survivors (CHAMPVA)
Death pension
Burial of spouse and eligible family members

Contact Information

General Benefits
VA Hotline
Education and Training
Toll Free: 888.442.4551
Headstones and Markers
Life Insurance
Healthcare Benefits
Veterans Healthcare
Mammography Helpline
Toll Free: 888.492.7844

Spina Bifida
Health Eligibility Center

Camp Jack

Debt Management Center
Gulf War Veterans Hotline
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf  (TDD)

Specific benefit and contact information published on  this page is taken from the "Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependants" VA  Pamphlet 80-00-1.  For a copy, please phone, fax or write to:

Superintendent of Documents
PO Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA  15250-7954
Phone: 1.202.512.1800
Fax: 1.202.512.2250

Additional Information
VA Online